Pot of ‘Chobani’ Gold

Today has been an uneventful day, but that’s okay, I don’t mind. I’ve been some-what productive and it feels good not to have a huge to-do list.

I love being at home and wish I could work from home every day, but teaching isn’t exactly conducive to that.

I got started on my run a little later in the morning than I normally do, but I busted out 5 miles in 41:30. My hamstrings were a little tight at first, but they loosened up after a while. I ran along one of my favorite trails, so it was a good run. Now that I feel as though I have recovered from my marathon, I am itching to do another road race!

After I got back, I half of a cold slice of pizza–yum! I think cold pizza is just as good as hot pizza. Who’s with me?

I also had some Chobani Blueberry Greek Yogurt. I heart Chobani! This time I didn’t stir the yogurt and instead dug my spoon down to the bottom to get some of the blueberry goodness with each bite for a creamy, cool treat.

How could I forget to tell you guys that I scored this whole box of Chobani yogurt at Costco the other day. I was estatic when I saw it there! Each container ended up being less than $1! 😀

So many containers of Chobani, what am I going to do with myself. 😉

This afternoon, I ran some errands and went to the following places:

– DMV (To get a new title for our Subaru because we own it outright!)

– afternoon coffee (iced decaf latte–I get SO jittery when I have caffiene.)

– Target

– put air in my tires

– wash my car

My afternoon snack was a juicy Pink Lady apple–my favorite!

Nothing special is planned for dinner tonight–a little of this and a little of that.

8 responses to “Pot of ‘Chobani’ Gold

    • I have not tried pineapple, but I really want to! I’ve seen so many other people rave about it, but I have not been able to find it anywhere in Anchorage yet. 😦

  1. Thanks for the tip Michelle I did not know they sold Chobani yogurt at Costco can’t wait to got some 🙂 I love it

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