The Case of the Missing Sun

Seriously clouds!??!? How can you possibly cover Anchorage for this long? The sun wants to show his beautiful face too!! I really did have high hopes when I saw the sun shining this morning but 45 minutes later it is gone again. 😦

On a higher note, I got started this morning with a standard pre-long run breakfast. When something works, why change it?

Special K Fruit and Yogurt Cereal with low-fat organic milk.

Ice cold milk is the best! I loved having milk at my Grandma and Grandpa’s because their milk was always extremely cold!

Half of a multigrain bagel. I spread half of the bagel with almond butter and the other half with peanut butter because I am indecisive like that.

I do enjoy my solo runs, but I also enjoy running with others sometimes too. This morning Craig and Lindsey biked while I ran 12 miles. It was a good run. I felt good and the weather cooperated–as in no rain.

After 1 hour, I consumed 2/3 of this Chocolate Outrage GU Gel. I liked the chocolate flavor, but I prefer the Mint Chocolate or Espresso. 🙂

I get so excited when I find money on my runs or out walking. I haven’t been finding as much this summer sadly. Last summer I found almost $1.00 in change one time though! 🙂 It is the little things in life that make me happy!!

12 miles in 1:40

When I got back, I quickly refueled with a Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothie and Zuchinni Muffin.

Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothie

– milk

– 5 frozen strawberries

– 1/2 banana

– soy protein powder

– chia seeds

– vanilla extract

I heart carbs!! 😀We’re off to go to some hiking before school starts and the snow begins to fly!?!?!? (Ah, let’s pretend I didn’t say that!)

6 responses to “The Case of the Missing Sun

  1. Hey Michelle!
    I’m an Anchorage runner who follows your blog and drools over your food pics (love to eat but hate to cook).
    Are you running the marathon or half next weekend? I’m doing the half, my first in like 20 years (I am much, much older than you, and much slower, but what the heck, eh?).
    Cheers and maybe we’ll meet up at a race one of these days.

    • I’m so glad you found my blog! I am not, unfortunately, running next weekend–we have other plans, otherwise I would!! Hope we are able to meet one day!!

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