Running with the Sis

Thank you all for expressing your sympathy at the loss of my grandmother.

We had a beautiful ceremony for her that included a lot of close friends and family members. She was a wonderful lady who loved playing cards, fishing, gardening, and volunteering. She still lived by herself on the farm and loved staying busy (The trait has been passed on!).

It was SO good to see my family. While it wasn’t for the best reason, we still had a wonderful time together catching up, playing games, and sitting around the dinner table talking. And, of course, all these activities took priority over blogging.

It was a bitter cold stay in Minnesota! When we left Anchorage, it was 15 degrees, and when we woke up Friday morning in Minnesota, the temperature was -25 degrees!! Everyone kept cracking jokes that it was warmer in Alaska than in Minnesota! (Which was true for Anchorage but probably not further north.) When we got back to Anchorage, it was 27 degrees above zero, which means that was a 50+ degree change in temperature!! Craziness!!

Despite the cold temperatures, my sister and I made sure to get out for a run (almost) every day :

Thursday: 3 miles

Friday: 0 miles (I didn’t have time with the funeral.)

Saturday: 6 miles

Sunday: 11 miles

I really thought I was going to freeze my bum off, but oddly the below zero temperatures in Minnesota did not seem that bad at all!!! I will run in the single digits here in Alaska and FA-REEZE, but I actually stayed pretty warm this past weekend. Now of course it was cold–and still too cold for ideal running conditions–but it was actually bearable.

I don’t know if it was the sunshine, which by the way was absolutely glorious! It was so nice that it started getting light around 7:30 a.m. and the sun didn’t set until after 5 p.m. Or possibly the difference in humidity?!?! Does anyone know? Whatever the reason, I had a blast running with my sister!!

I still lots more to do from being gone, so I’ll be back with more tomorrow!!


What do you enjoy doing with your sibling(s)? If you don’t have a sibling, do you wish you did?

16 responses to “Running with the Sis

  1. glad you enjoyed time w/ your family!

    way to go with running! on saturday i had to run 12 miles… i made it 3 in 10 degree temps (0 degree windchill) but what really did me in was the ice. i did the other 9 on the treadmill šŸ˜¦ i have never run that far on a treadmill ever!

  2. I LOVE RUNNING WITH MY SIS!!! It is so much fun! I LOVE the pictures…how do you run in that weather…you are my idol! I am obsessed with my siblings. I would hang out with them every day if I could! Have a great Tuesday!

  3. Wow 11 miles! Great job! I can’t believe you had snowflakes all over your eyelashes! That’s crazy!

    I have one sister, and the activity we probably most enjoy is just sharing a meal and laughing together. We have the same sense of humor so we just click on everything. We have a blast together : )

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