A Sweet Saturday

Nothing like a nice 6 mile run to get my Saturday started out right! 🙂

Nothing speedy–just an enjoyable run before my long run tomorrow.

Prior to running, I had a piece of toast with peanut butter and banana on it. Definitely a good pre-run standby.

After running, I had a Clif energy gel shot. I normally don’t have gels after running (usually only during a run), but I didn’t feel like eating much of anything else.

I heard these were good, but I was not impressed. I’m not sure if it was the flavor or just the Clif brand in general, but I’ll stick to my GUs for now.

I spent a good chunk of time foam rolling and stretching while I waited for Craig to get home so we could go to the gym. Since he was running a little late, I finished off the rest of this yogurt. (There was only about 1/3 cup left.) I sprinkled some Cherrios on top. Love Cheerios!

When Craig got home, we went to the gym where I lifted weights for 45 minutes. I alternated between arm lifts and abs/stretching. I didn’t want to lift my legs since I knew I would be doing a long run tomorrow.

Then it was time for lunch.

A big salad + a sweet, juicy orange

I topped my salad with tomatoes + carrots + nutritional yeast + homemade croutons (so good!–way better than store-bought ones!)

This afternoon Craig and I got pedicures!!

We went to Glaze Nail Bar in Anchorage. It is a super trendy, eco-friendly, natural nail salon and spa.

We had great service and a wonderful experience!

With all the running I do, my feet take a beating, so I was in desperate need of a pedicure.

Gosh, I look tired!

This was Craig’s first pedicure experience! A true Alaskan man knows how to pamper himself!

We are off to have dinner with friends tonight! See you tomorrow!

12 responses to “A Sweet Saturday

  1. Hahahahaha – Craig’s picture cracked me up!
    I love to see man doing stuff deemed “girlie” when they’re actually not – I mean, keeping your nails presentable is important for both man and women! Right?

  2. My husband used to get manicures all the time when he sold cars in suburban DC. Image was super important at his dealership. He got one before our wedding too!

    I spent my night exploring Whole Foods! 🙂

  3. i’m with you. i keep exploring what else is out there…but i keep coming back to gu.

    love that you got him to get a pedicure! my dad likes to get one every now and then. it’s always fun going with him.

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